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Proceeds from the book and film sales will be donated to Advocates For Grandparent-Grandchild Connection,
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The truth is children need all of the love that they can get in order to become a full a human being.
When a child knows that they are loved by those adults in their life a foundation is formed that helps them believe that they are okay.
A vital part of children feeling confident and secure is building self-esteem.
Self-esteem is an ongoing process that needs to be nurtured in order to grow.
Grandparents are the ones who freely provide unconditional nurturing, love and affection to grandchildren… and when these benefits are taken away it absolutely causes them harm to a child.

Newport Beach Resident Susan Hoffman Shares Her Legal and ‘Other’ Path
for Overcoming the Obstacles for Grandparent Visitation
July 3, 2020 … Newport Beach, CA …. Grand Distance, a recently released book by Newport Beach resident and author Susan Hoffman, focuses on grandparents' choices when faced with blocks to visitation with grandchildren.
Susan Hoffman became an advocate and activist for disenfranchised grandparents after she was faced with a stay-away letter from her grandson’s parents following a stepparent adoption. “This is a loss for everyone – the parent, the grandparent, and the child,” said Ms. Hoffman. She recounts her experiences in Grand Distance.
Grandparents are now, in fact, protected by California law because Ms. Hoffman proposed a bill to the California Legislature - Assembly Bill 2517 (AB 2517) - allowing grandparents to petition the court for visitation following a stepparent adoption. AB 2517 became law on January 1, 2007.
Ms. Hoffman commented, “when grandparents find themselves suddenly forbidden to see their beloved grandchild, following the emotional upheaval, they have choices about how they will cope and what they will do to stay close to the child.” Ms. Hoffman sought an alternative course of action to see her grandson.
Through the process of working with the California Legislature on AB 2517,
Ms. Hoffman began to build a nationwide support system with other disenfranchised grandparents and, as a result of her ‘activism’, she established Advocates for
Grandparent-Grandchild Connection, a charitable non-profit 501C (3)
organization. All of this, along with leading an ‘undercover grandma’ life in order to see her grandson became the inspiration for Grand Distance.
Grand Distance is now available as an e-book on Amazon, Apple, and Kobo and a paperback on Amazon and grandparentchildconnect.org.
Susan Hoffman is the author of Grand Wishes, A Precious Bond, It Won’t Happen Again, and Do You Want to Be Right or Do You Want to Be Happy. She is the creator and director of Advocates for Grandparent-Grandchild Connection, a charitable non-profit 501C (3) organization. www.grandparentchildconnect.org
Ms. Hoffman currently lives in Newport Beach, California.
Hi Susan,
"I just finished the book.
I didn't want to start until I could just read it. Between Greg's appointments and Shadow's appointments and
Greg having the tv on it was tough to steal time to read.
Susan, it was so good I did it in two sittings. My heart is in my throat. It touches on and brings back so many
of the emotions that I went through, that we must all go through when this happens to us and our grandchildren.
It was beautifully written, as only you could do.
Congratulations and well done."
- Cheryl

Do You Want To Be Right Or Do You Want To Be Happy is a 53-page book that contains twenty-two abiding principles of behavior. These are treasured life lessons that will improve relationships and the way we feel about ourselves.
$8.99 donation.
Look inside on Amazon.
Susan Hoffman, who is an advocate for children's rights, has written a new book about domestic violence which is told through the eyes of a seven-year-old child. While the book isn't specifically about grandparent rights, it is relevant to anyone concerned about children. Domestic problems are sometimes part of grandparent visitation issues. The book deals with the effects of bringing a non-biological male into the home. Often that is the trigger that sets off the grandparent alienation. The new man doesn't want any reminders of the past in his new domain.
All proceeds from the sale of It Won't Happen Again
from this site will be donated to Advocates For Grandparent-Grandchild Connection. www.susanhoffmanauthor.com, for more information.